mardi 29 octobre 2013

I love books

During the holiday, I’m using these few moments of peace and quite, that is to say that I haven’t a lots of time ‘cause I need to prepare my mid year exam, to advance my English’s level. 
So last week, I was walking with a friend then we passed head-on of a second hand good sale (I believe that the English word for a “vide grenier” but I’m not pretty sure and I can’t find it in my dictionary), so we decided to visit it. I especially focus of one stall, a book’s stall. It was amazing, actually I bought twenty four books for only 5,90 euros, and only classics, I’m very proud by one of my finds, the very two volumes of “les miserables” in a very old edition. 
But nevermind, I also bought English’s book, when I was younger I red “Animal farm” writing by George Orwell (one of my favorite writer), and it was very helpful so I decide to renew the experience, but I wouldn’t choose another classic because I red also “Oliver Twist” by Dickens but it was so hard that I didn’t understood the matter of the story. 
There was a very little choice so I bought it all : “Blood Brothers” by Josephine Cox, “Things I want my Daughters to Know” by Elizabeth Noble, “Double Cross” by James Patterson, “What the night knows” by Dean Koontz and finally “The secret life of a slummy Mummy” by Fiona Neill. I started with it, because the title was funny. And, again, it was good experience in my opinion, I learn a lot of new vocabulary and grammar point with this book, and even if it’s not a very good book, it’s was amusing, so I decide to follow this way and I will read all the others book during my free time.

I put the summary for those who can be interest:

“Barbara must say a final farewell to her four daughters. But how canshe finds the words? And how can she leave them when they each have so much growing up still to do ?
Take Lisa, in her thirties but terrified of commitment – or brittle, unhappy married Jenifer. Amanda, the traveler, is always a little apart from her sisters and teenage Hannah faces adult life without a mother at her side.
Barbara’s answer is to write each daughter a letter, finally expressing the hopes, fears, dreams, and secrets she couldn’t always voice. These words will touch the girls in different- sometimes shoking – ways, unlocking emotions and passions to set them on their own journey of discovery through life”.

Hope you enjoy it. :-)

jeudi 10 octobre 2013

My first blog

So here we are my first blog! Super Duper.
Actually I was pretty proud of me, when I was still a young teenager I never had a blog. I never wanted to tell my life on the internet, I think it's a little bit, hum how can I say that? It's creepy... But I have to do it, so let's try, and maybe I will discover through this experience a great passion for blogging :) (I suppose that's how it say : blogging. It's sound weird).

So first of all, what did we explore last week? Ah, yes it was a brainstorming about facebook and the way that this site can help us to foward in English. Well, blog, Facebook... I'm loving it! But that's fine, I will do it too. I'm not gone from this website for over two year, I have absolutly any idea about what can be be my password. First strike : false ; Second : same result ; third : Yeah congratulation !

It has changed since the last time I logged on. No I don't want "Une page de couverture", what's the hell... Just leave me alone, I have a homework to do for my English’s class, I'm no here for fun !
So, how Facebook can improve your English ?

I start by sending a "message privé" to an equator’s friend; I met him 5 years ago during a school trip. It's nice to have some news, it was a lovely guy, it will allow me to renew contacts and do my work at the same time. Awesome !

To stay in the same theme, I will also try sending “des demandes d’amitités” to some strangers, and maybe they’d like to talk with me. I’m not pretty sure, I think they’ll fine me bizarre, but I can try. So “j’ajoute” an Australian, Irish, American and Canadian. This is a good start.

I don’t have any inspiration, I hate facebook, it’s a gossipal site, but nothing interesting never happened. So I will follow Nostalgia Critic aka That Guy With The Glasses’ page, it a guy who do films reviews.